Taking Care Of Your Reputation, Your Livelihood And Your Future
At Bush Graziano Rice & Hearing, P.A., we have a long history of protecting professionals from liability suits. We are professional liability defense attorneys who provide strong advocacy, counseling and representation services to all of our clients — before, during and after litigation.
Our lawyers represent professionals from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds — from attorneys, doctors and nurses to architects, engineers and designers, we have the skill and fortitude to protect your interests and look out for your future.
- Administrative representation — From professional discipline defense to medical license defense, we provide strong administrative representation services and work tirelessly to protect our clients’ ability to continue practicing their professions.
- Professional liability claims — Our legal team defends a wide range of professionals who have been accused of malpractice or professional negligence — and we are ready, willing and able to take on the most challenging, complex cases.
Tampa Professional Liability Defense Attorneys Who Get Results
For over three decades, Bush Graziano Rice & Hearing, P.A., has represented professionals faced with liability concerns. We aggressively defend Florida professionals and practices against serious lawsuits, taking your defense as seriously as you take your reputation.
Contact us for more information on how we can help — call 813-228-7000 or contact us online.