Location: Tampa, Florida
Phone: 813-228-7000
Fax: 813-273-0091
Email: ereynolds@bgrhlaw.com
Erin B. Reynolds received her undergraduate degree in Political Science from Florida State University in 2002. While at Florida State, Erin was active in the Mortar Board Honor Society, Student Alumni Association, Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, and Children’s Miracle Network; in addition to working for Hopping, Green and Sams as a Legislative Clerk, and a Florida State Senator as an Intern.
She received her Juris Doctor from Mercer University in 2006. While at Mercer, Erin was active in Phi Alpha Delta Legal Fraternity, Georgia Legal Services, and clerked for the District Attorney’s Office for Bibb County.
Prior to joining Bush Graziano Rice & Hearing, P.A., in July 2007, Erin was associated with a general litigation firm in Brandon, Florida.
Erin is a member of the Florida Bar and the Hillsborough County Bar Association. She is also admitted to practice in the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. Her practice focuses on long-term care defense, medical malpractice and general civil litigation. Her community involvement includes: Junior League of Tampa, National Pediatric Cancer Foundation, Hillsborough County Guardian Ad Litem, Former Chair, Florida Bar 13th Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Hillsborough County Special Olympics, Florida State Alumni Association, Seminole Boosters and Voices for Children Tampa.